Anne - aka Anneformation. Product and cooking obsessed - people come to me for advice on stuff. Ocado is my friend, well Waitrose actually, but we don't live in a posh enough area for that! If one was to open I'd never leave the area!!! I'm no food snob though, I will also get a few bits in Aldi (as it's now achieved Which credentials!). I'm a sucker for a brand, interested in packaging, logos and typefaces. I studied at Central St Martins in Ceramic Design and have always brought in an element of food to my work - I designed a range of condiment sets and my dissertation was on British food culture and class and rebranding the humble ketchup bottle.
Now I'm a mum of 3, I live and breathe my obsession. The mere excitement of "what shall I cook for tea" gets my heart racing, like I've had 3 shots of espresso (which I often have in the morning! My youngest is nearly 4 months and still doing those dreaded night feeds!). Doing an Ocado shop is a dream for me. I take the time to read all the reviews and source out the best offers. But I want to know what's in your basket?!! When I'm in the supermarket I feel compelled to inspect others trollies and to make conversation about a certain variety of eggs. If I can influence someone with my passion then I've achieved something for the day.
Siân - Self confessed glutton. Literally a greedy pig. I've been food obsessed all my life. "what shall we have for tea" is on repeat in my brain all day, everyday. I love a bargain and am very pleased when I've made something from very little and cheap ingredients. I'm not too bothered who I shop with as long as I've got a good deal! My favourite cooks are those who understand us family cooks - that we often have to get something on the table fast for fussy eaters but want to experiment as well. But I'm a renegade cook, I love to read recipes but then I dissect them and make them my own.
I have two children and am (cringe hate this phrase) a stay at home mum. I used to work in PR and communications and, although I love being at home, I do miss the interaction with "grown ups" and being in the working world. I guess I was made to be a (cringe another yucky phrase) housewife and mum as I have mastered the art of making things out of toilet roll, the fairy cake, days out for free, crochet and the odd bit of sewing.
Us - Our friendship blossomed through a PTA revolt (we'll tell this story another time!). We soon realised, over a quiz night buffet of cured meat, we had tons in common and have Whatsapped each other everyday with pictures of what we are eating and the now ritualistic question "what are you having for tea?" We love sharing our ideas and this blog will be a part of that - if others are interested and want to share, or are inspired the more the merrier.